Java Development

Professional Java Development Services

Salvatrix is a leading Java development company with over a decade of experience in helping businesses drive growth and stay ahead of the curve through innovation.

Our engineers keep their skillset sharp with the latest techs and frameworks, which allows them to design and build robust solutions for any industry from healthcare to digital advertising.

We couple solid expertise with a predictable approach to project management that highlights accountability, risk minimization, and strict adherence to time-to-market deadlines.

Key Technology Competence


Spring Framework (Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring XD, Spring Integration, Spring Security, Spring Cloud), Swagger, Dropwizard, JSF, Grails, Netflix OSS (Ribbon, Eureka, Hystrix, Governator, Prana, Zuul, Fenzo), Play, Hibernate, iBATIS, JasperReports, Eventuate

Cloud Computing Platforms

Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure

CMSs and Portals

Alfresco, Magnolia, Liferay Digital Experience Platform, OpenCms


RabbitMQ, Apache ActiveMQ, MSMQ, Amazon SQS, Azure Service Bus, Azure Queue

Data Management

  • RDBMS: Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, Azure SQL Database, H2
  • NoSQL: MongoDB, Apache CouchDB, Apache Cassandra, Amazon DynamoDB, Azure DocumentDB, Azure Table storage, Azure Blob storage, Firebase, Neo4j, HBase
  • Caching: Memcached, Hazelcast, Redis, Amazon ElastiCache, Azure Redis Cache, EVCache, Dynomite
  • Searching: Solr, Apache Lucene, Elasticsearch, Amazon CloudSearch, Azure Search

  • Third-Party APIs

    li>Analytics: Google, NPAW, comScore, Nielsen, Crashlytics
  • Payment: PayPal, Stripe, Authorize.Net, Cleeng, Vindicia
  • Social: Facebook, Twitter, Google+
  • Geolocation: Google Maps, Bing Maps
  • File storage: Dropbox, Box, ownCloud, Google Drive
  • Our Java Development Expertise

    AdTech and Digital Advertising

    Control your ad spend and maximize ROI with a holistic yield management solution. Build demand- or supply- side platforms to support automated ad buying and selling via RTB and programmatic direct. Use our addressable TV know-how to deliver targeted ads to households.


    Start providing exceptional financial services with a robust FinTech solution tailored to the specific needs of your business. Create added value for your clients via flexible wealth management platforms, automated investment services, robo-advisors, and advanced data protection.

    Media and Entertainment

    Implement advanced media asset management, workflow orchestration, and effective content monetization solutions. Understand and segment your audiences better with the help of smart BI dashboards powered by machine learning-driven predictive analysis.

    Healthcare and Telemedicine

    Empower caregivers with custom EHR and EMR solutions that ensure instant access to the patient’s medical history, basic vitals, medications, allergies, and more. Implement advanced population health management software to extend your reach and promote health initiatives at a community level.