.NET Development

Tap into Our .NET Talent Pool

Hire a Top 1% .NET Development Company for Your Project

Salvatrix maintains a strong .NET unit that includes full-stack .NET developers and Microsoft Certified Professionals (including MCPDs, MCTSs, and MCSDs).

By attaining a Microsoft Gold Partner status in Application Development Competency, we have proved our expertise as one of the top 1% of MS-certified companies.

Since 2005, our .NET application development services has helped customers ranging from startups to global corporations scale their business and address tomorrow’s challenges with confidence.

Key .NET Technology Competence

Primary Techs

  • Core: .NET, .NET Core
  • Web: ASP.NET (ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, ASP.NET SignalR, ASP.NET Core), Nancy
  • Desktop: WPF, Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps, Electron, Wix
  • RPC

    WCF, gRPC


    RabbitMQ, MassTransit


    StructureMap, Ninject, Castle Windsor, Autofac, Unity


    NHibernate, Entity Framework, EF Core, Dapper



    Data Management

  • RDBMS: MSSQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite
  • NoSQL: MongoDB, Redis
  • CMSs

    Sitefinity, Kentico, Orchard, Sitecore CMS (Sitecore Web Experience Manager CMS)

    Cloud Computing Platforms

    Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure

    Third-Party APIs

  • Analytics: Google, NPAW, comScore, Nielsen, Crashlytics
  • Payment: PayPal, Stripe, Authorize.Net, Cleeng, Vindicia
  • Social: Facebook, Twitter, Google+
  • Geolocation: Google Maps, Bing Maps
  • File storage: Dropbox, Box, ownCloud, Google Drive

  • Our .NET Development Expertise

    Online Video

    Keep your business on the cutting edge with a full-blown custom video platform. Leverage our expert knowledge of media asset management and orchestra­tion to streamline mission-critical workflows around media ingestion, transcoding, playout, and more.


    Fuel your business growth with innovative marketing solutions. Implement advanced BI tools to create insightful, laser-targeted advertising campaigns that will attract customers, boost conversion rates, and drive more sales.

    Big Data

    Harness complex data collecting, storing, and processing operations with our end-to-end big data solutions built on Microsoft Azure. Connect multiple data sources throughout your IT ecosystem and bring them into a single manageable silo to get a complete picture of your data assets.


    Use our team’s technical know-how to build a next-generation Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app. Extend your outreach, discover new revenue opportunities, and save development time with a single app package running on all Windows 10 devices — including mobile, desktop, and Xbox.

    Tap into Our .NET Talent Pool