Cross Platform Mobile-Development

Gone are the days when cross-platform application development was considered plan B for those who couldn’t afford native apps. Today, it’s a feasible strategy to reduce both time to market and costs while building great mobile products that look and feel truly native.

We at Salvatrix help companies bring this strategy to life with the market’s hottest cross-platform development technology React Native, as well as time-tested Ionic and PhoneGap.

We Are Serious about React Native

We believe React Native has the potential to revolutionize cross-platform mobile app development as we know it. In fact, it already does, powering the likes of Facebook, Instagram, and Walmart. Discover the benefits of React Native and join this line-up of amazing products.
Truly Native UI Traditional hybrid frameworks such as Cordova and Ionic rely on WebView, which allows achieving great yet not fully native UIs and performance. By contrast, React Native renders components as native platform widgets, resulting in a truly native look and feel.
Code Reuse With React Native, we can target iOS and Android with the same JavaScript skillset, which allows more effective iteration and knowledge sharing. Code reuse across platforms is surprisingly easy and sometimes gets as high as 90%.
Live App Updates Whenever a change has been made in the code, we can easily visualize it by refreshing the app just like a web page. We can then push it directly to users’ devices right away without re-publishing the app to the store. That’s when the feedback cycle gets really short.
Native Components There are features which JavaScript is not yet ready to nail. However, we can easily write native components and integrate them with React Native code at any point — all without affecting the version designed for the other platform.

Market Research Video Survey Platform

An innovative video solution for market research that allows designers, advertisers, and corporate strategists gain authentic consumer feedback in a hassle-free way.

The resulting insights are crucial for effective marketing campaign elaboration and testing out new concepts before they make it production.

Highly Scalable Second-Screen Solution for Sports Events

A full-blown second-screen system for a national satellite TV provider, optimized to serve 500,000 concurrent users on iOS and Android.

The solution drastically increases viewer engagement by allowing soccer fans to make real-time game predictions and win sponsored prizes.